Title: The Green Party Global Warming?
Description: The idea of the video is showing that the Green Party is having a crazy idea on how to fight global warming by stopping common modes of transportation such as cars or planes because cows fart too much and release methane from the fart. In the video I choose to make fun of that idea.
Purpose: To teach and show the audience the ideas people are having to "combat" global warming and to show how not every idea in politics has to be supported. I also want to make fun of the idea because I think something like that could never be done but at the same time it should not be an idea that gets carried out.
Why: I think the idea is ridiculous in America it is common that many people will eat meat, especially that that comes from cows, which fits into the idea of "Eat more cows, they fart too much." I like to express my ideas and this is a very recent topic that is coming up in the news but I do not think it is talked about enough so to make a video of it and show a small group of impact would be beneficial.
What: I am going to go to Publix and put the pictures I made on the meat and then I am also going to use the cow mask and walk around making farting noises to add a comedic purpose to the video but it also is to show how ridiculous it is.
How:I will take the pictures and add them into a video and show the process of making and printing the props then show pictures and add video clips to make a good short video.
Props: I am going to use a cow mask, and some pictures and posters that I printed out in order to share the idea. The pictures and posters are just to be funny but it also has a serious idea behind it because it is making fun of the idea.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Old technology influence today
The generic wheel is an old technology from the past that will have a major impact in the future. Today we see companies like Tesla and Toyota building electric cars but in the future we may see some type of new car technology such as the flying car, something similar to the Delorean from Back To The Future 2 is what I imagine a flying car would be like. I think this technology is not far away from being put into production and will be in the near future and there will be a point when a company finally makes it happen, especially like company giants such as Tesla headed by Elon Musk who is arguably one of the smartest people alive today.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Artist vs. Inventor
An artist is someone who puts their own imagination and feelings into a piece of work they create. An inventor is someone who makes an original idea reality that has never been seen or been made before. They are both creating something they imagine in their minds but the purpose of the piece they make has different uses in the end.
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