I thought that "The Black Hole" was very creative and had a very different ending then what I was expecting. It did not make sense why they made it so eery and dark. I think that they should have taken the idea and turned it more into a comedy. That is what I thought was going to happen after the vending machine scene.
I think the "Alternative Math"film takes the new concept that kids should always be told they are doing things right and everyone gets a trophy and turns it into a joke. I thought it was funny that they included news clips into the clip that talked about the teacher being out of control. I feel this is how the world actually is and that parents will stop at nothing to make sure their kids are right.
In the comedy sketch I was waiting the whole time for something to happen it felt very long and there should have been more dialogue but the ending was funny and unexpected when everybody got up and ran after the money.
The CNN video was cool to see how the video was projected onto the museum. The food fight video was cool because you were able to see every motion of the food and the seaweed video was strange because it did not look like seaweed but it was also strange how he was able to edit the video to keep his arms moving as if it was a piece of seaweed moving.